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Akıllı kilidin yedek kodları nasıl çalışır?

Ensuring a smooth check-in for guests is always top-of-mind for Hosts. Find out how backup codes can help you and your guests avoid check-in delays.

What backup codes are

Backup codes are unique codes that are added to your smart lock at setup and can be shared with a guest if your lock is offline and Airbnb can’t sync a code for the guest. Guests are only shown a backup code if it’s confirmed that your lock is offline. Any backup codes that are shared with a guest will be deleted from your lock as soon as their trip ends and your lock is back online.

These codes are added to your lock with no expiration, and each unique backup code is only shared with one guest.

When backup codes are shared with guests

A backup code will be shared with your guest if your lock is offline when:

  • The guest’s reservation is confirmed and a new code can’t be generated for the guest before check-in—this typically only happens with last-minute bookings
  • A trip change is made (ex: your guest extends their stay by a night), and their existing code won’t work for their entire stay
  • You give your guest an early check-in or late checkout by adjusting the reservation’s check-in or checkout time, and their existing code can’t be updated for the new time

How backup codes are shared with guests

Backup codes are shared with guests in their email, Airbnb messages, and Airbnb trip guide, in the same way that other codes are shared. Guests won’t be able to tell that the code that they received is a backup code.

What happens after a backup code is shared

We’ll let you know right away when a backup code is shared with your guest.

After a backup code is shared with your guest, we’ll update the code as soon as your lock is online so that it’s only active for the duration of their stay. Important: Backup codes are stored with no expiration. If you’re unable to get your lock online, you’ll need to manually remove the code after your guest checks out.

Once a backup code is shared with a guest, a new backup code will be added to your lock to replace it—this is to ensure that there are backup codes available, when needed.

Note: Your lock being offline at the time of check-in doesn’t always mean that the guest will need a backup code. If your lock was connected when the booking was confirmed and is offline (but still usable) at check-in, your guest can use their code to access your place. Once a guest’s code is generated, it’s added to your smart lock with the check-in and checkout dates and times. This means that the code and the activation and expiration info is stored on your lock, even if it’s offline.

When backup codes won’t work

Backup codes can only be used on your smart lock if it’s powered on and usable. If a guest’s code can’t be synced with your smart lock, a backup code may be shared with your guest so they can access your place.

Important: If there’s a usability issue with your lock—such as dead batteries or a broken keypad—your guest won’t be able to access your place using the backup code on your smart lock. In these instances, your guest will be able to access your place using your backup entry method (if you've added one), or they'll need to reach out to you to access your place and resolve the issue with your lock.

How backup codes show in your smart lock app

Backup codes appear in your smart lock app as “always active” or having no start or end date. 

Backup codes in your smart lock app will show as "Airbnb Backup" with a 6-digit unique identifier at the end of each backup code.

    How backup codes are different than a backup entry method

    Backup codes can be shared with a guest to give them access to your place when your smart lock is offline but still usable. A backup entry method is an alternative way to access your place if your smart lock isn’t usable—for example, your smart lock batteries are dead or the keypad is broken.

    A backup entry method (ex: Lockbox on the back door with a physical key inside, code is 1234) can be added to your listing and is only shared with confirmed guests when they’ve communicated to Airbnb during their stay that they’re unable to access your place. Find out more about how a backup entry method works.

    Connecting your smart lock to Airbnb is only available to certain Hosts with listings in the US or Canada. Find out more about which Hosts are eligible to connect a smart lock to Airbnb.

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