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Redding, Kaliforniya

When deciding whether to become an Airbnb Host, it is important for you to understand the laws in your city. We recommend that you do your own research as this article isn’t fully comprehensive and, as a platform and online marketplace, we do not provide legal or tax advice. Nonetheless, we want to provide resources that may help you better understand the laws and regulations in Redding, CA. This list is not exhaustive, but it may give you a good start in understanding your local laws. If you have questions, you can contact the Redding Planning Division directly at and (530) 225-4022 or consult a local lawyer or tax professional.

Airbnb doesn’t update this article in real time and isn’t responsible for the reliability or correctness of the information contained in any links to third party sites. Please check each source and make sure that the information provided hasn’t recently changed.

Short-term rental regulations

Hosts in Redding, CA are required to obtain a business license to host short-term stays (fewer than 30 days). See the full ordinance, application, and helpful information on how to obtain a license on the City’s website.

The Redding Municipal Code provides for two types of short-term rentals.

  • Hosted Homestay—An owner-occupied single-family home in which a room or rooms are rented for less than 30 days. These short-term rentals require the owner to file a Hosted Homestay Affidavit.
  • Vacation Rental—An entire single-family home that is rented for stays of less than 30 days. These short term rentals require the owner to apply for and obtain a Site Development Permit. An apartment unit located in Redding’s Downtown Core may also be permitted as a Vacation Rental.

For both Hosted Homestay and Vacation Rental permits, the owner is also required to pay associated fees, obtain a business license through the City Clerk’s Office, and open a Transient Occupancy Tax account through the City’s Finance Department.

Step 1—Pre-application discussion with staff

Planning staff can help you determine whether your plans to operate a Vacation Rental are consistent with City regulations and answer any questions about the requirements and the application process. Providing information about the number of rooms and number of days during the year that rooms will be available for rent, the number of off-street parking spaces, whether you will live at the residence during rental periods, and similar information about how you would like to operate will assist staff in helping you.

Step 2—Filing of application

To file an application for a Vacation Rental Site Development Permit, you must submit the following:

  • Application form completed and signed by the applicant and the property owner/authorized representative. All fields must be completed, including:
    • The number of rooms to be rented
    • The number of off-street parking spaces that can be provided for tenant use (differentiate between garage and driveway parking).
    • Complete contact information for a local site manager who can respond to the rental within 45 minutes.
  • Application fee—refer to the “Schedule of Fees and Charges” on the City’s website.
  • A reproducible floor plan clearly depicting and labeling all rooms proposed for short-term rent within the dwelling unit.
  • A reproducible site plan or aerial photograph clearly depicting and labeling the property, all structures, all improvements, and on-site parking.
  • Any additional information that Planning staff feels is necessary to review the application.

Planning staff will review the material to make sure all the required information is provided. If your application is incomplete, you will be notified within 30 days.

Step 3—Physical inspection

A physical inspection will be completed by the City to ensure that the property meets the zoning, building, safety, and fire code requirements.

Step 4—Notification

If the property passes inspection, notice of the application will be mailed to all property owners within a 600 foot radius from the exterior boundaries of the property. Property owners have 10 business days to comment.

Step 5—Final review

Following the comment period, the Director will determine if the application is consistent with the City’s requirements for Vacation Rentals and whether there are any specific circumstances regarding the location or other items that need to be considered in order to approve the application. The Director can approve, conditionally approve, or deny the permit application. The application may also be referred to the Board of Administrative Review for further consideration.

Step 6—Obtain a Business License and Transient Occupancy Tax Account

Once the application is approved, take a copy of your Site Development Permit “Ready to Issue” to the City Clerk’s Office to obtain a business license. You can create your Transient Occupancy Tax account by contacting the City of Redding’s Finance Department.

Step 7—Permit issued

Once the application is approved, the City business license obtained, and the Transient Occupancy Tax Account is opened, the permit can be issued. Permits become effective after a 10-day public appeal period. Permits are good for one year from the effective date and require annual renewal.

Additional information

Estimated time requirements

The time for the processing of a Vacation Rental Site Development Permit application may vary depending on the number of applications to be reviewed, comments received from nearby property owners (if any), and other circumstances noted during the review of the application. Without a complete and accurate application, this time frame cannot be achieved.


The total cost for a Business License is $50.


You’ll need to renew your license annually and pay a $50 fee. Licenses expire one year from the date they are issued.

Hosting limits

The total number of Vacation Rentals in the City is capped at 400 rentals at one time.

Other contracts and rules

It's also important to understand and abide by other contracts or rules that bind you, such as leases, condo board or co-op rules, HOA rules, or rules established by tenant organizations. Please read your lease agreement and check with your landlord if applicable.

Our commitment to your community

We are committed to working with local officials to clarify how local rules impact the community. We will continue to advocate for changes that will enable people to rent out their homes.

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